
Friday, 25 September 2015

Toonies for Terry

What a great day for our Terry Fox run! Thank you to everyone who donated towards cancer research, as a class we raised $34.00!!
This week we continued to work on patterns, and also began working on telling time, adding up sums of money, math facts, and learning some dice games for math work stations.
In Daily 5 we have started Work on Writing and Listen to Reading. We will begin Word Work at the beginning of October.

Library books due Wednesday September 30

All warmed up after our Terry Fox run

Thursday, 24 September 2015

One of Those Days

We have been working with our speech pathologist, Mrs.Mitchell, on a class book and project. We were inspired by the book "One of Those Days" by Amy Krause Rosenthal. In the book, the main character experiences a wide variety of one of those days...when things just don't go your way.
We decided to put a spin on the title, and while keeping the exact same words, we are creating a book about "One of Those Days!" (Insert jazz hands here 👐).
Our class book will be filled with examples of super awesome days, so hopefully we can learn to turn negative experiences into a positive one, and remember that every cloud has a silver lining.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Fabulous First Week!

It has been a great full first week, getting to know all of my new students. It's always nice to see some familiar faces, as well as welcome our new students to our school and class. We have been busy getting routines and procedures set up, and learning the expectations of our classroom together.
We have been building our stamina during Daily 5 and working on Read to Self. Hopefully reading groups will be up and running in the next week or so.

 Busy at the puzzle table. We have had a few discussions on different ways to work on solving the puzzle together, as everyone has a different strategy.

In math, we have been focussing on patterns. Grade 3's will begin working on growing, shrinking, and number patterns. Grade 2's will continue to work on more complicated repeating patterns, as well as number patterns.

As a class, we have created 5 rules...
1. Respect yourself and do your best.
2. Respect the environment.
3. Listen to who is speaking.
4. Respect and be kind to others.
5. Be safe

Library books are due Tuesday.
Early dismissal is Tuesday. Students will be dismissed at 3:10 from their classrooms.