
Friday, 30 September 2016

We Are All Unique

This week, students listened to the story "The Crayon Box That Talked", and participated in a lesson surrounding the theme in the book...we are all unique, but all an important part of our classroom community.

It is now our bulletin board, reminding us of this important fact every day!!

We also did some problems solving using pattern blocks this week, and challenged ourselves to create the same shape using different amounts of blocks.

Please send in donations for the Shamattawa First Nation next week. This community is fly in only, and their only grocery store was burnt in a fire. We are collecting non-perishable food items, as well as cash. Items most needed are for the smallest members of the community, and include items such as diapers and wipes.  Thank you so much for your anticipated support!!

Early dismissal at 3:10 on Tuesday
Library book are due Wednesday

Friday, 16 September 2016

What a Week!

It was a busy week in Room 12! We spent time getting to know one another, building our stamina for read to self, learning the morning routine and creating some art!  

In Math we are working on patterns, as well as representing numbers. Over the next few weeks we will also be doing problem solving, and getting started on math stations. We will also begin our Science and Social Studies units in the upcoming days.


Monday, September 19 - please return library books

Tuesday, September 20 -  Early dismissal at 3:10, and Math Night! Join us for dinner and an evening of math games. This is a great opportunity to see what your child will be working on, and a fun way to work on math skills. Teachers will also be available to discuss anything you may want to talk about.

Wednesday, September 21 - Spelling test. The words were written down in agendas. Here they are in case you cannot find them...

one      two       three      four     five     six      seven      eight      nine    ten

The words will not be given in order for the test. Next week we will continue with number words, please check agendas for the new words.

 We spent time discussing what kind of a person we want to be. From this we will create our class rules.
 Enjoying rainbow carrots from the garden!
 Sharing a favourite story from her ME bag
 Self portraits....learning about perspective and placement when drawing a face.
Lined up and excited on the first day!

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Welcome Back!

A new school year is upon us, and I am so excited to meet the new students, as well as say hello to those returning to Room 12!

I hope everyone had a relaxing summer, and was able to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather we had.

I plan to post classroom news and updates here weekly, as well as on our Instagram account. If you aren't following us already, please look up room12sb and follow us so you can see what we are up to and comment on the things we are thinking and learning about. As well I plan to keep families up-to-date through Remind (please sign up! Let me know if you need help to do this) and our agendas, which will go back and forth between home and school daily.

If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me.